Why Employee Retention Is Important

Employee retention is a critical aspect of organizational success, impacting productivity, morale, and overall business health. High retention rates indicate a stable, satisfied workforce, which directly contributes to the long-term success of a company. Here’s why retaining employees is so crucial: Cost Efficiency Retaining employees significantly reduces costs associated with recruiting, hiring, and training new…

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How to Start Hiring Employees

How to Start Hiring Employees

Expanding your team is a significant milestone for any business, signaling growth and new opportunities. However, the process of hiring employees can be daunting, especially for first-timers or small business owners. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the hiring process, providing you with actionable steps to find and onboard the right talent for your organization.…

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Effective Onboarding: Setting New Engineers Up for Success

Effective Onboarding: Setting New Engineers Up for Success

The journey of a new engineer in your company is akin to the early stages of a critical project – it needs a solid foundation, clear direction, and the right resources to ensure long-term success. Statistics show that a strong onboarding process improves new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%. For engineering…

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What is Quiet Quitting and Why Companies are Worried About It

man in suit leaving office holding box

The business world is evolving, as are employees’ demands and preferences. One of the recent trends in the job market is “Quiet Quitting”, which has been causing a lot of concern among employers. Quiet quitting refers to employees leaving their jobs without giving any indication to their employer or coworkers. This trend is becoming more…

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Collaborating with Your Engineering Job Recruiters Equals Hiring Success

Engineering job recruiters are an extension of your company. They are the eyes, ears, and mouthpiece for your organization. With that in mind, it’s so important that as the leader of your organization you understand and support this concept, and if you have a hiring manager, they need to understand this as well. The more…

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Building a Company Culture of Loyalty is Key to Longevity and Growth

I’m certain most people reading this blog post have decided to change jobs at some point. Whether it’s for more opportunity, growth potential, life change, career advancement, or something else entirely, job changes are more commonplace than they’ve ever been. Have you ever been met with a “you’re dead to me” mentality by an employer?…

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How to Keep Your Engineers From Being Lured Away; Understanding Employee Needs

Why do engineers leave one firm for another? Perhaps you need to work harder at understanding employee needs in your firm. I’ve had thousands of conversations with engineers as to why they consider other engineering employment opportunities, and that gives me unique insight to answer this difficult question. The number one reason an engineer or…

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